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Get To Know The Staff

At Apollonia Dental Clinic, our team is dedicated to providing quality and friendly patient-centered care to our community. From the moment you walk into our doors, you are a part of our dental family. Our focus is not only on providing great dental work, but also giving you the tools and information you need to keep your mouth healthy, functional and beautiful.

We take pride in our great office space and making visits comfortable for families, children and adults of all ages.

Ask The Staff

See how they answered below.

  1. If you could spend a week anywhere in the world, where would it be? And with who?
  2. If you could choose any career (outside of Dentistry) and money were no object, what career would you like to do?
  3. What’s on your bucket list?
  4. What’s your favourite part about working at Apollonia Dental Clinic?

Doctor of Dental Surgery

Dr. Michelle Lee

Doctor of Dental Surgery, University of Alberta, 2007

  1. If I could spend a week anywhere in the world, I would want to spend it with my husband, parents, sister and brother.  I love spending time with them so it wouldn’t matter where in the world we were, it would be great!  But I guess if I had to pick a place…. It would probably be Hawaii!
  2. Is it sad if I say I would still want to be in this profession??  I actually really love it! But ok, if I have to choose…and assuming I could sing…I would be a singer!  But if I couldn’t sing (which is the case)…then I’d love to be a food critic or the person that tests waterslides to ensure they are still fun (yes, that’s an actual job!)
  3. My bucket list is to travel the world!  And perhaps go on the Backstreet Boys cruise with my sister. HA!
  4. I love all the people! We have fantastic patients and a fantastic team. I absolutely love and appreciate our team because we are all friends and work well together. 

Dr. Indira Kalia

Doctor of Dental Medicine, University of Manitoba, 2006

  1. If I could spend a week anywhere in the world, I would choose a week in Hawaii with my husband and children.
  2. If I had to pick a career outside of dentistry, I would choose to be on the Disney creative design team.
  3. Bucket list: Visit a rainforest, ride a Segway, take a helicopter ride, volunteer abroad
  4. My most favourite part about working at Apollonia is the ability to meet great patients from such diverse, interesting backgrounds. What I enjoy most about the team is everyone’s ability to work as a unit and share laughs throughout the day.

Languages: Punjabi (fluent); Hindi (able to understand)

Dr. Brendan Lee

Doctor of Dental Surgery, University of Alberta, 2018

  1. I would spend the week in Japan with my family. There’s so many cool things to see and good food to eat! I love ramen, it’s literally my favourite food ever. I can eat ramen for every meal, every day.
  2. Being a restauranteur would be great! I’ve always loved cooking and just being around food. Sometimes I sit at home and watch food documentaries! I think being in a rock band would be cool too haha. Music is a passion of mine and it would be awesome touring around and performing!
  3. I really want to go to Antarctica for some reason, I think it would be a really neat experience! I just don’t know what I would do there haha. Learning how to sing and to play a bunch of instruments is on my list! And learning some new languages would be great too.
  4. What I love most about this clinic and the team is how relaxed and easy-going everyone is! You can always hear people laughing, it’s definitely nice to hear that in a dental office. Everyone gets along and we have an outrageous amount of potlucks here because everyone loves to eat.

Registered Dental Hygenist


Diploma in Dental Hygiene, University of Alberta, 1997

  1. I would love to spend a vacation in New York City with my family – exploring & enjoying broadway and tv shows, bridges, parks, Times Square, historical sights, and really good pizza.
  2. I think being a tour guide in an amazing location (I would have to do a bunch of travelling to figure out where!) would be a fun job.
  3. Someday I hope to zipline through the jungle, South America perhaps?!
  4. One of my favourite parts of Apollonia is how us team members are “permanent fixtures”…patients see the same friendly faces each visit, and we actually get to know them and their families! And us staff truly enjoy working, laughing, eating (best birthday potlucks), and having fun together.


Diploma in Dental Hygiene, University of Alberta, 2012

  1. I would travel to Singapore with my parents and siblings.  It’s where my family is from and I love visiting the city and embracing my culture. Not to mention eating, eating and eating some more!
  2. If money were no object, I imagine I would enroll myself into culinary school and start my own bakery.
  3. I’ve always dreamed of living somewhere outside of Alberta for a bit. I don’t know where…I guess wherever life takes me!
  4. My favourite part about working at Apollonia Dental Clinic is the team!  We all get along so well, we’re like a big dental family. I always look forward to spending the day chatting and laughing with my co-workers.  And of course, our patients are awesome! I love getting to know my patients. It’s probably the best part of my job!


Diploma in Dental Hygiene, University of Alberta, 1990

  1. For a relaxing, restful holiday, I would like to spend a week in Maui with my family. If I wanted a more fast paced, sight-seeing holiday I would love to go to Rome. I have always wanted to see the Roman Forum, the Colosseum, and the Vatican.
  2. I think a job as an archaeologist would be interesting. I have always been interested in history and find it fascinating to learn about how things used to be.
  3. The main thing on my bucket list is to travel. I would love to see the 7 wonders of the world!
  4. What I like most about Apollonia is how friendly and caring the staff are. They go out of their way to make sure you feel comfortable and welcome. I also think it is great that laughter can often be heard throughout the office.


Degree in Dental Hygiene, University of Alberta, 2020

  1. Anywhere and it would be with my good friends or close family members. If I were to choose a specific place though, it would most likely be Greece or Bora Bora!
  2. My dream job was to be a wedding or party planner/decorator! I just love being part of an event that brings family and friends together to celebrate a special occasion.
  3. I want to travel around the world, ride on a hot air balloon, learn how to ski, and maybe go on a cruise someday!
  4. No matter how busy the clinic is, you’ll always hear laughter and everyone is always happy to help each other out.

Registered Dental Assistant


Certificate in Dental Assisting, KDM Dental College, 2013

  1. I would spend a week anywhere tropical. Hawaii has always been a place I wanted to visit with either my family or friends.
  2. If money were no object I would either be a fashion stylist or food taster.
  3. A few things on my bucket list are to ride in a hot air balloon, travel to more places, and visit famous landmarks around the world.
  4. My favourite part about Apollonia Dental Clinic is how much each of us genuinely care about providing a comfortable and positive dental experience for every patient. I love not only how we work as a team but how we are also a family, and the fun we have outside of work. 

Languages: Tagalog (fluent)


Certificate in Dental Assisting, KDM Dental College, 2010

  1. If I could spend a week anywhere in the world it would definitely be on a beach.  My dream vacation is to stay in a hut on the water in Bora Bora. My travel partner would be my hubby, Avram.
  2. My life goal is to run my own animal rescue. It would have to be some place warm all year round, Mexico would be nice!
  3. One of my “bucket list” items is to pack a bag, head to the airport and hop on a flight to a random destination with no itinerary.
  4. A few of my favourite things about Apollonia Dental Clinic are the relationships we form with our patients, the great care we provide and the closeness we have as an office.


Certificate in Dental Assisting, Columbia College (Calgary), 2008

  1. If I could spend a week anywhere in the world, it would be in Bali. I’d hike the volcano (the one that you get up at 3am for), enjoy the sun and the sand and get my yoga on. Who would I want to spend with? Why my amazing sister of course! She shares a lot of the same interests as I do so I know we’d have a blast.
  2. My dream job would be to own a restaurant and have it be successful. I love to cook in my spare time. I’ve been told I’m a good cook. I guess you can say I’ve turned into a foodie. Food+ flavour=love
  3. So far my bucket list includes getting a tattoo which is huge for me because I do not like needles. I also would love to do a wine tour through southern America or Italy. Or both.
  4. I love how the clinic is up to date in technology to better serve our patients. I also love the family atmosphere that has been created by our team. 


Diploma in Dental Assisting, NAIT, 2018

  1. If I could spend a week anywhere in the world, it would either be in Greece or Bali with my siblings or friends. I would love to see the beautiful views and especially the nice sunsets!
  2. If I could choose any career, it would probably be a food taster – perhaps an ice cream connoisseur.
  3. My bucket list includes going to all the Disneyland resorts all over the world, doing a volunteer mission trip, and ride an elephant in Thailand.
  4. What I enjoy most about Apollonia is all the yummy food we get to eat at potlucks – oh and also getting to see all the smiles of each patient!


Certificate in Dental Assisting, CDI College (Burnaby BC), 2006

  1. I would love to go to Greece with my husband, Émile. 
  2. I love animals so definitely a veterinarian.
  3. Skydiving is on the top of my bucket list.
  4. My favourite part about working at Apollonia Dental Clinic is definitely the team! I’ve never worked with such a close team and had so much fun at work. I also take pride in working at such a clean, modern, well kept office. And lastly I love how close it is to my house!

Support Staff


  1. If I could go anywhere it would be Maui with my husband and kids. I love it there.
  2. My career choice would be an elementary school teacher because I love kids.
  3. My bucket list includes going to a live taping of the ellen show, going bow hunting, taking my kids to Disneyland when they get a bit older and adopting a rescue dog.
  4. My favourite thing about Apollonia is our patients and the people I work with.


  1. It wouldn’t matter where I went as long as it was with my husband. Most likely somewhere tropical!
  2. My dream job would be to run a little bar on a beach somewhere.
  3. Travel the world.
  4. My favourite part about Apollonia Dental and the team here is how well everyone tries to accommodate everyone else’s situation. If anyone needs help, there is always someone close by.


  1. Australia, with my family.
  2. Run an animal rescue, but somewhere warmer.
  3. Trip to New York with my daughter.
  4. Atmosphere! Love all the laughter in the office.